Employee Assistance Plans – EAP’s

Their Importance as part of Your Organization’s Mental Health and Wellness Plan
Employee Assistance Plans (EAP’s) are a direct way for plan sponsors to help their plan members maintain – and enhance their overall mental health and well-being. The rationalization for offering this benefit is: “Mentally healthy employees are productive and engaged employees.” The services are offered to plan members on a strictly confidential basis; in fact, there is no way to identify the “who, what, where, and when” of EAP utilization; only case numbers and nature of the counselling is reported – nothing else.
Employee Assistance Plans focus on short-term, case-specific solutions. They typically offer between 3 and 4 hours of one-on-one or family counselling per year, per plan member. The counselling sessions are usually set-up by the half-hour, or by the hour. Many different issues and challenges may be addressed through an Employee Assistance Plan – including:
  • Occupational stress;
  • Emotional distress;
  • Psychologically traumatic workplace events;
  • Substance abuse;
  • Financial concerns;
  • Non work-related legal concerns;
  • Marital issues;
  • Family counselling and related issues;
  • Work relationship issues;
  • Health concerns, such as receiving a diagnosis for a potentially life-threatening health condition;
  • Concerns about caring for young Children and Aging Parents;
  • And many more….
With recent advocacy campaigns such as Bell’s “Let’s Talk,” and other initiatives, much has been done – and continues to be done, to eliminate the stigma of mental health issues. Through our network of Employee Benefit and stand-alone Employee Assistance Plan partners, we can create and tailor an EAP plan for your organization that fits your needs – and budget. Are you interested in heightening your plan member’s mental health and well-being? Let’s talk!